Dirty Divots!

Last summer I ran into Jim Achenbach and Billy Crenshaw on the patio just after they had completed their round at Stone Creek. The subject of the driving range tee box came up and I mentioned to Jim what we were trying to do as far as educating the golfer on how to use the grass as efficiently as possible. I told Jim that I had seen a video on You Tube uploaded by Dan Meersman of the Philadelphia Cricket Club and immediately he felt it was worth a story. Last year just from posting the video, I started seeing the new divot patterns developing. Hopefully this will encourage more golfers to do the same.

I would like to thank Jim for taking the time to write this article and feeling it is important enough to share with the greater golfing world.
Dirty Divots Golfweek


  1. David,
    Great post, love the blog and all the information you provide. In perusing some of your old posts I came across one from October regarding your use of Dispath. In order to meet the recommended rates, we would have to dilute the injectable version a considerable amount. I was wondering if you have to do the same or whether you see any problem with that, given your experienece with the product.

  2. We only inject 10 gallons over an irrigation cycle. Usually just once a week in the summer. Our Prominent pump meters it out fairly well. Send me an email if you would like any more information.


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